This “Grass Power and Climate Change” slide show has evolved over about ten years. In earlier versions it allowed me to explain the health and environmental benefits of grassfed beef and also my system of rotational grazing. This current version emphasizes farming methods that result in carbon sequestration and extremely low GHG emissions. It cites the work of like-minded farms and scholars and it makes recommendations for policy changes that could lead to an easing of Climate Change.


If you would like to see more details in the form of Notes with each slide or if you would like to show this slide show to friends, family, or colleagues, please post a reply below and we will respond.


  1. Martha, I am so glad you were able to attend our conference on Saturday. Your excellent slide show is succinct yet thorough. Would you send me the version with your notes, please? Did you have a chance to talk with Wiil Mitchell (Tenleytown Meat Company), Nick Maravell , and any of the other farmers? Are you willing to be part of our next conference? Best regards, Philip, C: 301-356-5132

  2. Happy Birthday Martha!
    Thank you for sharing your slide show! Excellent job on the web page, it looks great,
    Just one question: I see you are observing a 4% SOM increase over a 5 year period. What numbers did your scientists use to come up with 3 tons CO2/acre/year? This value seems extremely low for the amount of SOM% increase you are observing over this time period!

  3. Martha — Excellent work! 0.8%/a/yr and 8%+ are the kind of results that inspire and challenge many of the rest of us! I do agree with David that 4% SOM/yr should equal considerably more than 3T CO2/a/yr.

  4. I agree with most of that. B*U*T that’s not what the market calls for. We as ranchers must produce what the market wants unless we are so wealthy that making a profit doesn’t matter.

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